Developing a self-sustaining Chinook salmon fishery to the San Joaquin River requires major planning and execution, all driven by sound science.
Our most comprehensive document to date is the Fisheries Framework, completed in 2018. This document outlines the goals and objectives for establishing spring-run and fall-run Chinook salmon populations in the Restoration Area, identifies the necessary habitat to support naturally reproducing, self-sustaining salmon populations; and, outlines the proposed Adaptive Management process and implementation plan for fishery actions. Below are links to the Fisheries Framework for spring-run and fall-fun Chinook salmon.
Fisheries Framework
Fisheries Framework: spring-run and fall-run Chinook salmon
Appendix A: Report Development Process
Appendix B: Defining and Eliminating Stressors to Meet Program Objectives
Appendix C: Summaries of Issue Background Papers
Appendix D: Introgression Analysis
Appendix E: Draft Segregation Protocol
Appendix F: Habitat Implementation
Appendix G: Juvenile Trap and Haul Report
Appendix H: Response to Comments
Fisheries Management Meeting