
News Releases Program News Stories Fitzgerald: A ‘birth announcement’ on the San Joaquin River – 2.1.2018 Salmon reproduce in river for first time in 60 years – 2.1.2018 For first time in 60 years, spring-run Chinook salmon reproduce in San Joaquin River – 1.31.2018 A Rainy 2017 Benefited The San Joaquin River’s Salmon, But Full […]

Program Schedules 2023 Restoration Flows

On January 19, Reclamation issued the initial allocation for the 2023 water year, providing a total 556,542 acre-feet for Restoration Flows under a Wet year type. The Restoration Administrator, an independent body stipulated by the Settlement, has provided the initial Restoration Flow schedule. This schedule is now approved by Reclamation as being consistent with the […]

Restoration Flows to be reduced and halted

On April 1, Reclamation will start deliveries to the San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors from Friant Dam. Normally, Exchange Contractor water supply is met from north-of-Delta water delivered through the Delta-Mendota Canal. However, because this is a “Shasta Critical” water year, Exchange Contractors are scheduled to receive 75% of their normal allocation, a total of […]

2020: Agenda

Agenda & Videos The Speakers Poster Sessions Day 1 Wednesday, October 14, 2020 | 9 A.M. – 1 P.M. 9:00 A.M. Introductions 9:10 A.M. Opening Remarks Dr. Donald Portz, San Joaquin River Restoration Program 9:20 A.M. Panel: Return of the Chinook MODERATOR: Josh Newcom, San Joaquin River Restoration A Brief History of the San Joaquin […]

2023: The Speakers

Registration Agenda The Speakers Abstracts & Science Posters Paul Adelizi California Department of Fish and Wildlife Paul is an Environmental Scientist with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. He has worked in aquaculture and fisheries for over 25 years and began with CDFW and the SJRRP in 2008. He is a former high school […]

Program to release first ever summer pulse flow for salmon spawning 

Starting early morning, Tuesday, September 10, the San Joaquin River Restoration Program (Program) will release a scheduled pulse flow on the San Joaquin River. Friant Dam releases will increase from 450 cubic-feet-per-second (cfs) to 1500 cfs for several hours, then decrease to 1000 cfs overnight and return to normal Friant Dam releases on Wednesday, September […]

Program increases Restoration Flows

Program resumes Restoration Flows to protect burgeoning Threatened salmon population The San Joaquin River Restoration Program Restoration Administrator has adjusted the schedule of Restoration Flows on the San Joaquin River. On December 16, Friant Dam will increase releases to meet a target of 415 cfs at Gravelly Ford (increasing from 365 cfs). This flow rate […]

2020: The Speakers

Agenda & Videos The Speakers Poster Sessions Dr. Steve Blumenshine California State University, Fresno Steve Blumenshine is a professor in the CSU-Fresno Biology Department. He maintains an active lab group and research program focused on juvenile Chinook Salmon & their habitats with funding from a variety of sources, including the SJRRP. Much of our research […]

Restoration Flows Postponed

San Joaquin River Restoration Program Postpones Restart of Restoration Flows This notice serves to inform the public that the Restoration Administrator, a court-appointed position selected by the Friant Defendants and Plaintiffs in the Settlement, has postponed the resumption of Restoration Flows. Restoration Flows will resume no earlier than October 1. Restoration Flows were ceased on […]