Arroyo Canal Fish Screen and Sack Dam Bypass Project

The Arroyo Canal Fish Screen and Sack Dam Bypass Project, like the Mendota Pool Bypass and Reach 2B Project, is integral to restoring spring-run Chinook salmon to the San Joaquin River. This project implements two of the highest priority projects identified in the 2006 Settlement:  fish passage around Sack Dam and a fish screen on […]

Monitoring Data

As part of the San Joaquin River Restoration Program, the physical and biological effects of flows are monitored along the San Joaquin River from Friant Dam to the confluence of the Merced River. An Annual Technical Report documents the monitoring program and provides results from prior releases on a regular schedule. Making decisions on release […]


Documents/Reports – Pre-Settlement Note: Some reports, although portioned into manageable sizes are still quite large and may take some time to download – depending on your download speed. Expert Reports

Settlement Related

Documents/Reports – Settlement Note: Some reports, although portioned into manageable sizes are still quite large and may take some time to download – depending on your download speed.

Technical Memorandum

Note: Some reports, although portioned into manageable sizes are still quite large and may take some time to download – depending on your download speed.

Program Documents

Note: Some reports, although portioned into manageable sizes are still quite large and may take some time to download – depending on your download speed.  

General Outreach

Note: Some reports, although portioned into manageable sizes are still quite large and may take some time to download – depending on your download speed. Espanol: Programa de Restauración del Río San Joaquín – Hoja de Datos, septiembre de 2009

RA Recommendations

Documents/Reports – Restoration Administrator The Restoration Administrator (RA), selected jointly by the NRDC and FWA, provides recommendations to the Secretary, in consultation with the Technical Advisory Committee, regarding specific elements of the Settlement and certain issues related to the SJRRP Restoration Goal. Available Documents Note: Some reports, although portioned into manageable sizes are still quite […]