Groundwater Monitoring

Groundwater data help the SJRRP determine allowable flow rate releases. Here you will find real-time well data, weekly groundwater reports, monitoring well atlas, well construction updates, and documents related to the Seepage Management Plan (SMP). Groundwater Monitoring Real-Time  |  Measurements  |  Well Construction  |  SMP Please see the Seepage and Conveyance Technical Feedback meeting page for […]

General Outreach

Note: Some reports, although portioned into manageable sizes are still quite large and may take some time to download – depending on your download speed. Espanol: Programa de Restauración del Río San Joaquín – Hoja de Datos, septiembre de 2009

Program Documents

Note: Some reports, although portioned into manageable sizes are still quite large and may take some time to download – depending on your download speed.  


Documents/Reports – Pre-Settlement Note: Some reports, although portioned into manageable sizes are still quite large and may take some time to download – depending on your download speed. Expert Reports

Settlement Related

Documents/Reports – Settlement Note: Some reports, although portioned into manageable sizes are still quite large and may take some time to download – depending on your download speed.

Technical Memorandum

Note: Some reports, although portioned into manageable sizes are still quite large and may take some time to download – depending on your download speed.

Surface Water

A network of stream gages record and telemeter river stage information. Flow measurements by field crews help calibrate and confirm calculations. Data from stream gage telemetry requires careful consideration as field conditions and equipment malfunctions can provide erroneous readings. A more accurate assessment of actual flow rates requires a review of the flow record and […]


All scientific work conducted by the SJRRP produces an annual report summarizing findings and outlining future action. Reports, searchable by study name and category, are available in the table below. Prior to 2013, scientific data was summarized into the Annual Technical Report. Annual Technical Reports from 2007 – 2014 are available at the bottom of […]

Draft Channel Capacity Report Released

September 20, 2017 – Program Releases Draft Channel Capacity Report for 2018 Restoration Year for Review The primary objective of this report is to provide the Channel Capacity Advisory Group (CCAG) and the public a summary of the prior Restoration Year’s data, methods, and estimated channel capacities, as well as, recommendations for monitoring and management […]

Subsidence Monitoring

Reclamation surveys a network of over 70 control points across the San Joaquin Valley in July and December of each year to monitor ongoing subsidence. Following are the bi-annual survey result tables, maps, and ArcGIS shapefiles. Section 8 of the original control network report, below, includes a description of the control points, locations, and photos. […]