
The Program raises adult spring-run Chinook salmon at the Interim Salmon Conservation and Research Facility (ISACRF) in order to develop a San Joaquin River-specific population of fish. Adults are raised from eggs at the ISCARF where their eggs (female) and milt (male) are collected at adulthood and used to artificially spawn the next broodyear of […]

Flow Conditions

Friant Dam Releases Flow Scheduling Forecasts  |  Allocations  |  Recommendations  |  Evaluations  | Spreadsheet |  Notifications The amount of water available for the SJRRP, the Restoration Allocation, depends upon the amount of runoff in the San Joaquin River watershed above Friant Dam. Using several water supply forecasts for the Friant Division of the Central Valley […]

Water Quality

Water Quality includes a program of real-time telemetry, generally with 15-minute reporting to the California Data Exchange Center. In addition, the SJRRP initiated a program of manual water quality constituent measurements. Real-time Telemetry Measurements In addition to the gaged stations described above, the SJRRP took measurements of water quality parameters at a variety of additional […]


Documents/Reports – Pre-Settlement Note: Some reports, although portioned into manageable sizes are still quite large and may take some time to download – depending on your download speed. Expert Reports

Settlement Related

Documents/Reports – Settlement Note: Some reports, although portioned into manageable sizes are still quite large and may take some time to download – depending on your download speed.

Eastside Bypass Improvements IS/EA Released for Comment

Comment period extended for San Joaquin River fish passage and flow improvement environmental document  SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The Bureau of Reclamation and the California Department of Water Resources have prepared a joint Initial Study and Environmental Assessment for the Eastside Bypass Improvements Project. The proposed project, part of the San Joaquin River Restoration Program, has […]

General Outreach

Note: Some reports, although portioned into manageable sizes are still quite large and may take some time to download – depending on your download speed. Espanol: Programa de Restauración del Río San Joaquín – Hoja de Datos, septiembre de 2009

Program Documents

Note: Some reports, although portioned into manageable sizes are still quite large and may take some time to download – depending on your download speed.  

RA Recommendations

Documents/Reports – Restoration Administrator The Restoration Administrator (RA), selected jointly by the NRDC and FWA, provides recommendations to the Secretary, in consultation with the Technical Advisory Committee, regarding specific elements of the Settlement and certain issues related to the SJRRP Restoration Goal. Available Documents Note: Some reports, although portioned into manageable sizes are still quite […]

Technical Memorandum

Note: Some reports, although portioned into manageable sizes are still quite large and may take some time to download – depending on your download speed.