Science Meeting

2023 Science Meeting The San Joaquin River Restoration Program 2023 Science and Engineering Meeting is a two-day event at the San Joaquin River Parkway and Conservation Trust. Pathway to Success will highlight efforts to restore fish, flows and passage within the Restoration Area of California’s second-longest river from Friant Dam to the confluence with the […]


The San Joaquin River Restoration Program (SJRRP) is a comprehensive, long-term effort to restore flows to the San Joaquin River from Friant Dam to the confluence of Merced River and restore a self-sustaining Chinook salmon fishery in the river while reducing or avoiding adverse water supply impacts from Restoration Flows. Please visit our Background and […]

Burning Question: How To Predict Runoff After Catastrophic Wildfire?

Fire created unknowns, many are hopeful new data will benefit San Joaquin River management After a record-setting season of catastrophic wildfires in California, no single fire in 2020 burned more than the Creek Fire in the Upper San Joaquin River watershed east of Fresno. The Creek Fire, the largest single-source fire in California history, ravaged […]

Unreleased Restoration Flows

Until channel improvements and facility construction is completed along the San Joaquin River, the San Joaquin River Restoration Program (SJRRP) is limited in its ability to release Restoration Flows. During wetter years in the early evolution of the program, the program’s allocation of water will exceed the conveyance capacity of the river and associated channels, […]

Seepage Projects

Landowners – concerned about potential seepage related to Restoration Flows? Call the Seepage Hotline: 916-978-4398 or Click on and send us the following information: Your name, phone number, and the best time to contact you Description of the potential seepage location(s) Program staff will follow up with you to discuss further and arrange a site […]

Restoration Flows

As with any river, flows are paramount to the health of that river. The San Joaquin River Restoration Program closely monitors all aspects of flows within the river between the releases at Friant Dam, down to the confluence of the Merced River by using in-stream monitoring gauges and close coordination with dam operators, water diverters […]

First time in over 60 years: spring-run Chinook salmon spawn in the San Joaquin

        December 1, 2017 Seasonal Monitoring Reveals a Program Milestone: Successful Spawning A multi-agency effort to bring salmon runs back to the San Joaquin River has proven it is possible for spring-run Chinook salmon to successfully spawn in the river – a major first milestone for the San Joaquin River Restoration Program. […]

Draft Channel Capacity Report Released

September 20, 2017 – Program Releases Draft Channel Capacity Report for 2018 Restoration Year for Review The primary objective of this report is to provide the Channel Capacity Advisory Group (CCAG) and the public a summary of the prior Restoration Year’s data, methods, and estimated channel capacities, as well as, recommendations for monitoring and management […]

Surface Water

A network of stream gages record and telemeter river stage information. Flow measurements by field crews help calibrate and confirm calculations. Data from stream gage telemetry requires careful consideration as field conditions and equipment malfunctions can provide erroneous readings. A more accurate assessment of actual flow rates requires a review of the flow record and […]

2023: The Speakers

Registration Agenda The Speakers Abstracts & Science Posters Paul Adelizi California Department of Fish and Wildlife Paul is an Environmental Scientist with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. He has worked in aquaculture and fisheries for over 25 years and began with CDFW and the SJRRP in 2008. He is a former high school […]