Reach 2B and Mendota Pool Bypass

Creating a passable San Joaqin River for salmonids between Mendota Dam and the confluence with Merced River is critical for the Program. In order to accomplish this, Reclamation must provided a fishway to circumvent the Mendota Dam and Pool, a large agricultural water diversion point. The Mendota Pool Bypass and Reach 2B Project will accomplish […]

2019 Spring-Run Redds Set Record!

Record spring-run Chinook redds in San Joaquin River Threatened fish overcome obstacles to access spawning habitat By Josh Newcom Reaching a new milestone, the San Joaquin River Restoration Program (Program) has recorded a record number of spring-run Chinook salmon redds (fish nests) this season – four times the number discovered last year. Last year, the […]

Study Plans

The Monitoring and Analysis Plan (MAP) describes upcoming scientific studies and monitoring activities to better inform the management of Restoration Flows for the next year of the San Joaquin River Restoration Program. For previous year scientific study plans, please see the drop down lists below. If you are interested in submitting a study proposal for the […]

Technical Feedback Meetings (TFM)

Work Group Activities Technical Feedback Group Information Technical Feedback Group (TFG) meetings assist Program staff in soliciting input from technical experts, interested stakeholders, and the public in the development of key Program documents and implementation activities. The meetings also provide a public process for the various steps of Program development and implementation. The currently TFGs […]

Get Involved

The SJRRP includes a variety of public outreach activities creating an open and transparent process that the general public and all stakeholders can monitor and participate in. Effective communication and coordination with all interested and affected parties helps ensure that all those interested are informed, have an opportunity to provide input, and Program actions are […]

Flow Conditions

Friant Dam Releases Flow Scheduling Forecasts  |  Allocations  |  Recommendations  |  Evaluations  | Spreadsheet |  Notifications The amount of water available for the SJRRP, the Restoration Allocation, depends upon the amount of runoff in the San Joaquin River watershed above Friant Dam. Using several water supply forecasts for the Friant Division of the Central Valley […]


The Restoration Goal includes 10 channel and structural improvement projects. The Program combined these into 4 projects for planning and design purposes. Three are underway: Mendota Pool Bypass and Reach 2B Channel Improvements Project The Arroyo Canal Fish Screen and Sack Dam Fish Passage Project (“vee” fish screen and new dam) Reach 4B, Eastside and […]

Pulse Flow for Salmon

September 6, 2017 – A pulse flow intended to mimic the natural hyrdrograph of the river was recently made from Friant Dam in order to assist 120 adult spring-run Chinook salmon with access to available habitat for spawning. Approximately 1,250 acre-feet of the 2017 Restoration Flow allocation was used for the pulse flow which began […]

Restoration Goal (TFM)

The SJRRP established a Restoration Goal Technical Feedback Group (TFG) in 2009. The Restoration Goal TFG l addresses technical topics related to the implementation of the Settlement’s Restoration Goal. Topics include, but may not be limited to, the following: All aspects of the planning and environmental documentation for the necessary channel improvements including alternatives development […]