
All scientific work conducted by the SJRRP produces an annual report summarizing findings and outlining future action. Reports, searchable by study name and category, are available in the table below. Prior to 2013, scientific data was summarized into the Annual Technical Report. Annual Technical Reports from 2007 – 2014 are available at the bottom of […]

Reach 4B and Eastside Bypass

Reach 4B of the San Joaquin River is a 32.5-mile stretch that begins at the Sand Slough Control Structure and extends to the confluence of the Eastside Bypass and San Joaquin. Reach 4B has been further divided into two subreaches; Reach 4B1 from the Sand Slough Control Structure to the Mariposa Bypass, and Reach 4B2 […]

Friant-Kern Canal Restoration Project

The Friant-Kern Canal flows south from Friant Dam to serve water users throughout the southern portion of the eastern Central Valley. Friant-Kern Canal Restoration Project – Part III of the San Joaquin River Restoration Settlement Act, Section 10201, states that the Secretary of the Interior is authorized and directed to conduct feasibility studies on the […]

Data Reporting

This table provides a summary of the current and previous year’s studies and their status. This table will be updated biannually and will provide data and reports as they become available. Please click on the study name to get a summary of the current and previous year’s studies and their status. Report Status Data Availability […]

Gravel Pit Isolation

The SJRRP Predation Small Interdisciplinary Group (SIG) developed a draft Pit Prioritization Process document that outlines the general approach to prioritizing gravel pits in Reach 1. Several studies have collected data and a pit delineation report that inventories pits is in progress. MAP study 2016-8 will continue to synthesize collected data, identify data gaps and […]

Water Quality

Water Quality includes a program of real-time telemetry, generally with 15-minute reporting to the California Data Exchange Center. In addition, the SJRRP initiated a program of manual water quality constituent measurements. Real-time Telemetry Measurements In addition to the gaged stations described above, the SJRRP took measurements of water quality parameters at a variety of additional […]

Creating a Model Fish Passage Project

In September, a group of fish biologists, engineers, and farmers met at Reclamation’s Denver Technical Service to help ensure that the San Joaquin River Restoration Program’s largest engineering feat to date – developing a new stretch of river with passage for salmonids and other native fish – will pass environmental and engineering muster. And they […]

Program gives $10.3M for sinking Friant-Kern Canal

The SJRRP has provided $10.3 million to assist the Friant Water Authority with restoring the original design and built capacity of the Friant-Kern Canal. The canal, which has over half of its designed capacity eliminated due to subsidence (compacting earth from groundwater overpumping), is currently undergoing a planning and design process to fix the impacted portions […]

2020: Agenda

Agenda & Videos The Speakers Poster Sessions Day 1 Wednesday, October 14, 2020 | 9 A.M. – 1 P.M. 9:00 A.M. Introductions 9:10 A.M. Opening Remarks Dr. Donald Portz, San Joaquin River Restoration Program 9:20 A.M. Panel: Return of the Chinook MODERATOR: Josh Newcom, San Joaquin River Restoration A Brief History of the San Joaquin […]