Burning Question: How To Predict Runoff After Catastrophic Wildfire?

Fire created unknowns, many are hopeful new data will benefit San Joaquin River management After a record-setting season of catastrophic wildfires in California, no single fire in 2020 burned more than the Creek Fire in the Upper San Joaquin River watershed east of Fresno. The Creek Fire, the largest single-source fire in California history, ravaged […]

Reintroduction Activities

The Program has reintroduction activities for both juvenile and adults spring-run Chinook salmon — the species of focus for the Program and listed as Threatened under the Endangered Species Act. San Joaquin River spring-run Chinook salmon evolved to live in both fresh and salt water environments. Hatched from an egg in rivers, streams and creeks, […]

First time in over 60 years: spring-run Chinook salmon spawn in the San Joaquin

        December 1, 2017 Seasonal Monitoring Reveals a Program Milestone: Successful Spawning A multi-agency effort to bring salmon runs back to the San Joaquin River has proven it is possible for spring-run Chinook salmon to successfully spawn in the river – a major first milestone for the San Joaquin River Restoration Program. […]

Water Management

The Water Management goal is to reduce or avoid adverse water supply impacts to all of the Friant Division long-term contractors that may result from the Interim Flows and Restoration Flows provided for in the Settlement. Paragraph 16(a) of the Settlement directs the Secretary of the Interior to develop and implement a plan for recirculation, […]

Program Delivers Prestigious Keys Awards to Recipents

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Highlighting successful collaboration to improve water supply management, two John W. Keys, III Awards were presented at the third biennial San Joaquin River Restoration Program Science Meeting held in Sacramento, California on August 22 and 23. In keeping with the meeting theme “Collaborating for the Future,” the Keys Award recipients were recognized […]

Restoration Flows

As with any river, flows are paramount to the health of that river. The San Joaquin River Restoration Program closely monitors all aspects of flows within the river between the releases at Friant Dam, down to the confluence of the Merced River by using in-stream monitoring gauges and close coordination with dam operators, water diverters […]

Monitoring and Analysis Plan

The Monitoring and Analysis Plan (MAP), formerly known as the Agency Plan, describes upcoming monitoring and analysis to manage Interim and Restoration Flows for the next year of the San Joaquin River Restoration Program.

Redd and Carcass Surveys

Program partner agencies the US Fish & Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish & Wildlife conduct annual surveys to count redds (fish nests) and carcasses of adults that die after spawning. Currently, these salmon are experimental releases of ancillary spring-run Chinook broodstock. Weekly reports of these surveys, when they are conducted, are posted […]

Groundwater Banking Projects

Part III of the San Joaquin River Restoration Settlement (SJRRS) Act authorizes and directs the Secretary to conduct additional Water Management Goal actions, including a program to provide financial assistance to local agencies within the Central Valley Project for the purposes of designing and constructing ground water recharge or banking facilities that offset water supply […]

Monitoring Activities

As part of the San Joaquin River Restoration Program, routine year-round monitoring of fish throughout their lifecycle is conducted in the Restoration Area. Following spawning, rotary screw traps — large, conical strainer-like devices — are installed in key locations of the upper Restoration Area in order to sample the number of juveniles naturally spawned in […]