The following are the Funding Constrained Framework documents:
Funding Constrained Framework for Implementation
Appendix A: Foundation for the Funding Constrained Framework for Implementation (summary)
Appendix C: Federal Obligations and Expenditures Through Fiscal Year 2016
Appendix D: Project and Activity Cost Summary
Appendix E : Draft Mendota Pool Bypass and Reach 2B Project Sequencing
Additional documents:
A map of the Restoration Area showing framework project locations and benefits.
On September 13, 2006, following 18 years of litigation in NRDC, et al., v. Rodgers, et al., a Settlement was reached among the litigants including Natural Resources Defense Council and a coalition of environmental interests, the Friant Water Authority, Friant Contractors, the Department of the Interior and the Department of Commerce. Following the Settlement, Congress passed the 2009 Settlement Act (PL 111-11) which authorizes and directs the Secretary of the Interior to implement the Settlement. The San Joaquin River Restoration Program is the multi-agency entity which implements the Settlement and Settlement Act on behalf of the Secretary.
Implementing Agencies (Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, California Department of Water Resources and the California Department of Fish & Wildlife); the Settling Parties (NRDC and the Environmental Coalition, Friant Water Authority and the Friant Contractors) and Third Parties (the Exchange Contractors)
The San Joaquin River Restoration Program has completed the Funding Constrained Framework, a collective effort of stakeholders including the Implementing Agencies, the Settling Parties and Third Parties. The Framework is the document to lead the Program into the next decade by creating a realistic schedule and budget based on available funding. Key outcomes of Stage 1 of the Framework include:
- Re-introduction and re-establishment of spring-run and fall-run Chinook salmon between Friant Dam and the San Joaquin River confluence with the Merced River
- Full river connectivity
- River flows of up to 2,500 cubic-feet-per-second through much the Restoration Area
- Continued implementation of the Settlement and Settlement Act
The 150-mile Restoration Area of the San Joaquin River.
Framework implementation begins immediately with the Stage 1 timeline currently slated for completion in 2024.
In order to keep the Program moving forward while remaining realistic about project funding and schedule, core construction projects are envisioned as part of Stage 1. These construction projects include:
- Creation of a bypass to allow fish passage around Mendota Pool from Reach 2B to Reach 3 of the river
- Seepage and levee stability projects to allow 2,500 cfs through multiple reaches of the Restoration Area and 4,500 cfs through Reach 2B and Mendota Pool Bypass
- Fish passage construction at Arroyo Canal/Sack Dam and the Eastside Bypass Control Structure
- Removal of other fish passage impediments within the Eastside Bypass
- Levee setbacks to create more natural floodplain habitat
- Fish screens at Mendota Pool and Arroyo Canal to protect fish and water users
- Construction and operation of the Salmon Conservation and Research Facility
- Support of the Recapture and Recirculation Plan and Implementation, Friant-Kern Canal and Madera Canal Capacity Restoration projects, and groundwater recharge projects