Strong leadership and quick-thinking landed two San Joaquin River Restoration Program staff recognition for their Program-related efforts this week at the Bureau of Reclamation Regional Leadership Team awards ceremony.

Donald E. Portz, SJRRP Program Manager, received Reclamation’s Superior Service Citation for his SJRRP-related efforts. The award recognized Dr. Portz as, “a steadfast driving force in the advancement of the San Joaquin River Restoration Program,” and continued to say, “His leadership, creative thinking, and background have set the stage for a future that includes unimpeded passage for all fisheries on the San Joaquin River to Friant Dam that has not been possible in nearly 70 years. Through unexpected partnerships, Dr. Portz has provided an example of how to navigate controversial programs as well as change the future for the San Joaquin River.”
Zachary Sutphin, the Program’s lead field monitoring fish biologist, was presented with the Department of Interior’s Exemplary Act Citation for rescuing a drowning boater. While conducting San Joaquin River field activities on September 17, 2024, Mr. Sutphin came across a panicked kayaker, pinned against rocks and debris by the strong river current and in danger of drowning. “Mr. Sutphin was instrumental in removing the individual from a life-threatening situation,” reads the award, “Mr. Sutphin’s ability to remain calm under pressure, assess the situation quickly, leverage his training, and execute a plan exemplifies the core values of BOR and the Department of the Interior.”
Congratulations to Don and Zak. You make the Program proud!